Monday, February 18, 2013

Ready, set, DRILL!!!

After many many many months of not drilling in the Obulle area, we now have the missing piece!  Bentonite!  Thank you Lord!  We have been looking, calling, asking, emailing, and trying other alternatives with no luck.  Our team of guys in Obulle have been ready to drill now for months and have also been involved in the search for our drilling mud.  
A few weeks ago Colin sat down one last time and tried looking up bentonite clay in Uganda, and he found some!  This was a legitimate mining company in Uganda and they mined sodium bentonite (NaBe).  We sent Dan and Emma to Kampala on the over night bus to check it out and when we got the call that everything was good we loaded up a truck.  Less than 24 hours later Colin, Dan and Martin unloaded 80 bags of drilling mud.  God is good!!!