Saturday, August 25, 2012

A few weeks ago I posted a blog about travelling to Kampala and then onto Rwanda.  I also mentioned that I was going to be looking for a bike while we were in Kampala so as to make my life here just a bit easier.  My mom called me a week or so before we headed to Kampala and told me that a man she knows read that blog and had given her money for me to buy a bike!  I was beyond excited.  I had sent money with friends that were going to the city about a month before and they came back empty handed.  However, I had this feeling like I was spending way more money than I needed to be at the time and just wasn't really at peace about the amount I had sent with them.  It was as if I had buyers remorse even before I bought anything!  I had even been looking here in Soroti with no luck.  For months I looked on my own with no luck, so I just decided to pray and see where that led me.  I knew that if God knew what was on my heart in the way of a need, that He could let someone else know my need too.  So when my mom called to tell me about the money, I knew that God was to be glorified.   
I just think it is so neat how the Lord works.  If I had continued to try and find a bike, I would have found a decent used one here in town.  If I had found a bike then I wouldn't have written that blog where I mentioned that I was going to be looking for one in the city.  If I had not written that in the blog then this man would not have been able to be obedient to God in his giving.  And if he wasn't able to do what God was asking him, then God would not have been given the glory.  It may seem like a simple way to look at this whole situation, but I love the simplicity of it all.  Everything!  God's grace, His salvation, His love, His will.  It is all simple if I am obedient.  
I am thankful that God cares about the details of our lives.  I have mentioned it before, and probably will again in the future, but the small things that matter to us, matter to Him as well.  I am still learning though that if I let those small things consume me, they have a tendency to grow into something much larger than what they needed to be.  However, if I take a step back and go to the Lord, even with the little details, He will provide the means to an end.    

My new ride.  First new bike in 20 or so years.   Thank you Lord!  

Riding around 'cause I can!

This is Bro (or Broseph).  The world's strangest looking cat.  Between his yellow eyes, missing teeth, scaly ears, and gosh awful "meow" he is something else to look at.  But not having any pets here (having had pets my whole life) I am thankful for this little toot.  Again, just a detail about my life that the Lord knows and He let Bro find me.  When we first got here, this cat was skinny and mean.  Now he is feed little minnow fish daily and sleeps on my lap.  There is even the added bonus of having less mice and rats around the house as well! 

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